Category Archives: Eventi

XVII Conferenza dei Ricercatori Italiani nel Mondo

Siamo lieti di condividere con i nostri lettori i links relativi alla pubblicazione degli atti della XVII Conferenza dei Ricercatori Italiani nel Mondo, con video intervista RAI, ed il video della giornata con le varie presentazioni.

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Recensione conferenza su RAI Italia

image of the video for the XVII Conference of the Italian Scientific researchers in the World

Video Post XVII Conferenza Intervista Rai — programma Casa Italia — con il Prof. Giordano che fa il sommario della XVII conferenza (min: 10.45): 

Video completo

image of the video for the XVII Conference of the Italian Scientific researchers in the World

XVII Conference of Italian Researchers in the World: Call for Abstracts

The Texas Scientific Italian Community (TSIC), Sbarro Health Research Organization (SHRO), in collaboration with Temple University, College of Science and Technology, invite you to submit an abstract to the

XVII Conference of Italian Researchers in the World

that will be held on:

Saturday, April 1st, 2023
starting at 9:30am – 3:00pm (EST) at:

Temple University, Philadelphia
The Charles Library, 1st floor

The Conference is open to Italian researchers working in different fields of science, technology, aerospace, medicine and humanities. The Organizing Committee also welcomes researchers from all countries and industries working on topics related to Italy to submit an abstract and to attend the live Conference.
Please send your abstract and a short biography to: [email protected]
Deadline for submissions is March 20th, 2023
Abstracts, inclusive of research summary and biography, should be limited to one printed page not to exceed 400 words and should be in .docx format. Please feel free to submit an abstract even if you will not be able to attend the live Conference.
The official language of the meeting is English.
For further information, please visit the webpages of the TSIC:
Inquiries about logistics should be sent to: [email protected]

We look forward to your participation in this event and want to thank you for your support in the continued success of the Conference.

Best Regards,
Organizing Committee


Il COMITES di Los Angeles rinnova il simpatico evento per famiglie in occasione del Carnevale! Venite a festeggiare con i vostri bimbi una classica tradizione italiana!

Domenica 19 febbraio ore 11am – 4 pm

ROTARY CLUB – Valley Park

2521 Valley Drive, CA 90254

Giochi e premi per i bambini

La partecipazione all’evento é gratuita.