Category Archives: Eventi

italian digital townhall – Los Angeles Edition

Cari tutti,sono lieta di invitarvi a partecipare all’iniziativa digitale #ItalianDigitalTownhall, promossa dal Consolato Generale d’Italia a Los Angeles in collaborazione con l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington, dedicata agli Italiani in California del Sud impegnati in prima linea contro il Covid-19.

L’evento (invito allegato), in lingua italiana, si svolgerà martedì 26 maggio, alle ore 18.00 (6 pm PST) sulla piattaforma Zoom, e sarà aperto dall’Ambasciatore d’Italia negli Stati Uniti Armando Varricchio in collegamento da Washington.

Potrete poi ascoltare quattro esperti della comunità medico-scientifica della California del Sud impegnati in diversi ruoli nell’attuale emergenza, che condivideranno con voi le loro esperienze degli ultimi mesi e risponderanno alle vostre domande:Alberto Collazzoni (Psicologo, – Renewed Freedom Center, Los Angeles);Alessandro Sette (Immunologo – La Jolla Institute for Immunology, San Diego);Emanuela Bonfoco (Medico in Medicina d’Urgenza e Generale – UCLA);Federica Raia  (Docente di Scienze dell’Apprendimento e Informazione e Medicina – UCLA) 

Al dibattito, che sarà moderato dalla giornalista RAI e CEO IbiscusMedia Valentina Martelli, si potrà accedere registrandosi attraverso il seguente link:

Le domande potranno essere inviate attraverso la piattaforma Zoom.L’evento sarà trasmesso anche in diretta sulla piattaforma social Facebook del Consolato. 
Nell’auspicio che assistiate numerosi, vi invio i miei più’ cordiali saluti. Silvia Chiave Console Generale

Fondazione italia presents: Kids Video Contest 2019

In honor of Italian Language Week in the World, Fondazione Italia, in collaboration with the Italian Consulate General in Los Angeles, is proposing our 3rd annual fun video contest that will showcase kid’s creativity and Italian language ability.

The 19th Annual Week of the Italian Language in the World! This event is promoted yearly by the cultural and diplomatic network in the third week of October (Oct. 21 – Oct. 27). The week focuses on a theme that acts as the leitmotif of a vast cultural program to promote the diffusion of the Italian language. This year’s theme is the “Italian Stage”.

Contest Overview

Students in grades K-12 are asked to create a video in Italian that is a mini language lesson where they teach their audience about their favorite Italian city, food, tradition, song, phrase, film or person. The possibilities for kids to talk about what they love about the Italian language are limitless! Contestants may also create a video around this year’s theme, “The Italian Stage.”

Contest Requirements

  • Participating student must be enrolled in K-12
  • Video must be in Italian
  • Video cannot exceed 3 minutes
  • Video with group of up to 4 students okay
  • Video submitted should be in MP4 or QuickTime format


Cash prizes will be given to three winners who will each be chosen from below age groups.

  • One first place winner for K-4 – $50
  • One first place winner for 5-8 – $50
  • One first place winner for 9-12 – $75

All submissions will be viewed by a panel of judges.

Important Dates

November 15, 2019 – Video Submission Deadline

December 20, 2019 – Winners announced

Download Application