Texas Scientific Italian Community

Call for Abstracts

The Texas Scientific Italian Community (TSIC), in collaboration with Université de Bruxelles invites you to submit an abstract to the XIX Conference of Italian Researchers in the World that will be held on:

Friday, May 23rd, 2025
European Parliament
Rue Wiert, 60 B-1047, Bruxelles, Belgium

The Conference is open to Italian researchers working in different fields of science, technology, aerospace, medicine, and humanities. The Organizing Committee also welcomes researchers from all countries and industries working on topics related to Italy to submit an abstract and to attend the live Conference.

Please send your abstract and a short biography to:
[email protected]

The deadline for submissions is March 31st, 2025

Abstracts, inclusive of research summary and biography, should be limited to one printed page not to exceed 400 words, and should be in docx format. Please feel free to submit an abstract even if you will not be able to attend the live Conference.

The official language of the meeting is English.

The event will allow participating researchers residing in various parts of the world to connect in VTC and can be followed by the public via live streaming on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TSIC

For further information, please visit the webpages of the
TSIC: www.texasic.org
or contact via email:
[email protected]

We look forward to your participation in this event and want to thank you for your support in the Conference’s continued success. Best Regards,

Organizing Committee
XIX Conference of Italian Researchers in the World

10 Irresistible Reasons to Learn Italian (and How to Get Started Today): Take an Italian language course this spring

From art and music to fashion and citizenship, discover why Italian is the language of passion, culture, and opportunity—plus, how you can learn it for free!

10 Reasons You Should Learn Italian (and Why It’s Worth Your Time)

  1. Art Lover’s Paradise: Italy houses 60% of the world’s art treasures. Want to appreciate Michelangelo or Botticelli in their original glory? Italian is your golden ticket.
  2. Music to Your Ears: From opera to modern hits, Italian is the language of music. If you’re a musician or just love belting out Nessun Dorma, this is for you.
  3. Business Boost: Italy is a global economic player. Speaking Italian can open doors in industries like automotive, food, and luxury goods.
  4. Fashion Forward: Milan is the fashion capital of the world. If you want to strut your stuff in style, Italian is the language of Gucci, Prada, and Versace.
  5. Cinephile’s Dream: Fellini, Sorrentino, and countless cinematic masterpieces await. Watch Italian films without subtitles and feel like a true connoisseur.
  6. Polyglot’s Playground: Italian is a gateway to other Romance languages like Spanish, French, and Portuguese. Learn one, and the others become a breeze.
  7. Healthy Living: The Mediterranean diet? Italian. La dolce vita? Also Italian. Learn the language, live longer, and enjoy every bite.
  8. Romance Redefined: Italian isn’t just a Romance language—it’s the Romance language. Perfect for whispering sweet nothings or writing love letters.
  9. Travel Like a Pro: Italy is a top travel destination. Speak the language, and you’ll navigate like a local, not a tourist.
  10. Citizenship Prep: Planning to claim Italian heritage? Italian 2 can prep you for the language exam required for citizenship.

Ready to Dive In?
El Camino College offers Italian 1 and Italian 2 online. If you’ve already got some Italian under your belt, skip ahead to Italian 2—just email Prof. Pescatori at [email protected].

Bonus: High school students can take community college classes for FREE. Yes, free.

So, what are you waiting for? Italian isn’t just a language—it’s a lifestyle. Andiamo!

Risorse studenti

Questa pagina è stata creata per offrire supporto e orientamento agli studenti italiani iscritti alle università americane nel territorio del Comites: California del Sud, Nevada, Arizona e New Mexico. Il nostro obiettivo è fornire informazioni utili e risorse pratiche per aiutare gli studenti a superare le sfide più comuni e a vivere al meglio l’esperienza universitaria negli Stati Uniti.

Un punto di referimento per gli Italiani residenti all’estero