Join Our Live Webinar: Navigating Italian Citizenship and Taxation for U.S. Citizens

Are you interested in learning more about obtaining Italian citizenship jure sanguinis or understanding the Italian tax system as a foreigner? Attorney Andrea Poletto and Fabbroni Biasutti & Partners, in coordination with the Comites of Los Angeles, are hosting an exclusive live webinar designed to guide U.S. citizens through these important topics.

  • Italian Citizenship : Attorney Andrea Poletto will explain the process of recognizing jure sanguinis citizenship, including administrative procedures and court proceedings for American clients.
  • Italian Tax System : Dr. Ambra Simeoni, associate at Fabbroni Biasutti & Partners, will provide insights into how Italy’s tax system works and highlight the opportunities and benefits available to foreigners settling in Italy.
  • Fiscal Issues for Dual Citizens : Gain clarity on tax matters specific to individuals carrying dual citizenship, ensuring compliance and maximizing benefits across borders.
  • “Ritorno dei Cervelli” Tax Advantages : Learn about the fiscal incentives offered under Italy’s “Ritorno dei Cervelli” (Return of the Brain) program, designed to attract skilled professionals and investors back to Italy.

The webinar will conclude with a Q&A session where attendees can ask general questions about citizenship and taxation. For personalized advice, individual consultations can be arranged via email after the event.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and clarity on your path to Italy. Join us for this informative session and take the first step toward realizing your Italian dream!


The Los Angeles Comites is not affiliated with Attorney Andrea Poletto or Fabbroni Biasutti & Partners, the organizers of this webinar. The Comites of Los Angeles is promoting this event solely for the purpose of informing and supporting the Italian community in the western United States. Any legal, tax, or professional advice provided during the webinar is the responsibility of the presenting law firm and does not reflect the endorsement or involvement of the Los Angeles Comites. For further inquiries about the event, please contact the organizers directly.

Pillole di design: Dall’Italia a Washington

Il Diritto d’Autore e Intelligenza Artificiale

il tema del diritto d’autore in relazione all’intelligenza artificiale (IA) sta acquisendo sempre più rilevanza nel nostro panorama contemporaneo. Con l’avanzare delle tecnologie e la loro applicazione in ambiti creativi e professionali, è fondamentale aprire un dibattito su questioni cruciali che riguardano la protezione delle opere originali e i diritti degli autori.

Alcuni temi su cui riflettere :

  • Definizione di Diritto d’Autore: Come possiamo garantire che i diritti degli autori siano tutelati in un contesto in cui l’IA genera opere artistiche, musicali e letterarie?
  • Impatto dell’IA sulla Creazione Artistica: Chi detiene i diritti d’autore su opere create con l’ausilio dell’IA? È l’autore del software, l’utente o l’IA stessa?
  • Giurisprudenza e Normative: Quali sviluppi normativi stanno emergendo in diverse giurisdizioni riguardo alle opere generate dall’IA? Come possiamo contribuire a una legislazione che risponda a queste nuove sfide?
  • Tutela delle Professioni Creative: Come possiamo assicurarci che i professionisti creativi non siano svantaggiati dall’uso dell’IA? Quali sono le implicazioni etiche e legali da considerare?
  • Licenze e Utilizzo Commerciale: Quali sono le questioni relative alle licenze per l’uso di opere generate da IA e come possiamo stabilire condizioni chiare per il loro utilizzo?
  • Prospettive Future: Con l’evoluzione della tecnologia, quali sviluppi normativi possiamo aspettarci? Come possono le leggi sul diritto d’autore adattarsi a queste nuove realtà?

Per approfondire questi temi e contribuire a una discussione costruttiva, vi invitiamo a partecipare all’evento “Pillole di Design: Dall’Italia a Washington”. Sarà un’opportunità preziosa per confrontarci e riflettere insieme su come il design e l’innovazione possano interagire con le questioni legali e professionali legate all’IA.

Non mancate a questo importante appuntamento!

Texas Scientific Italian Community

Call for Abstracts

The Texas Scientific Italian Community (TSIC), in collaboration with Université de Bruxelles invites you to submit an abstract to the XIX Conference of Italian Researchers in the World that will be held on:

Friday, May 23rd, 2025
European Parliament
Rue Wiert, 60 B-1047, Bruxelles, Belgium

The Conference is open to Italian researchers working in different fields of science, technology, aerospace, medicine, and humanities. The Organizing Committee also welcomes researchers from all countries and industries working on topics related to Italy to submit an abstract and to attend the live Conference.

Please send your abstract and a short biography to:
[email protected]

The deadline for submissions is March 31st, 2025

Abstracts, inclusive of research summary and biography, should be limited to one printed page not to exceed 400 words, and should be in docx format. Please feel free to submit an abstract even if you will not be able to attend the live Conference.

The official language of the meeting is English.

The event will allow participating researchers residing in various parts of the world to connect in VTC and can be followed by the public via live streaming on Facebook:

For further information, please visit the webpages of the
or contact via email:
[email protected]

We look forward to your participation in this event and want to thank you for your support in the Conference’s continued success. Best Regards,

Organizing Committee
XIX Conference of Italian Researchers in the World

Un punto di referimento per gli Italiani residenti all’estero