Italy-America Chamber of Commerce West 2015 Holiday Gala


Usher in the cheer with the annual IACCW holiday gala! Silent auction, member awards, live entertainment and Ago’s extraordinary food!

Evening program includes a 6-course meal by Chef Agostino Sciandri , special performance by professional singer Elisabetta Russo, silent auction supporting Italy-America Youth Internship Program, members recognition and awards.

Ago Restaurant
8478 Melrose Avenue
West Hollywood, CA 90069

Sunday, December 6, 2015
from 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM (PST)


Sponsor a table – $1450 (by December 2nd)

Submit a gift to our Silent Auction (by December 1st)

Buy 5 tickets and get one FREE EVENT TICKET (by December 3rd)!

 Limited seating!


Valet parking available for $ 7.00

Have questions about Italy-America Chamber of Commerce West 2015 Holiday Gala?

Contact Italy-America Chamber of Commerce West

La Missione dell’ Italy-America Chamber of Commerce West

Fa parte ufficialmente del Sistema Italia (Istituzionale e pertanto vi partecipano il Consolato, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Italian Trade Commission, rappresentanti di Camere di Commercio Estere (CCIE) e ENIT) – oltre a Fondazione Italia e COMITES!

Localmente include una circoscrizione di 11 stati e si relaziona a tutte le associazioni italiane e italo-americane attraverso una varieta` di collaborazioni e reciprocal membership agreements, pertanto coinvolge per definizione anche la comunita` dei residenti italiani all’estero che vi si associano – da studenti a professionisti, imprenditori, professori e datori di lavoro. Il nostro Membership Base include individui, enti commerciali e non-profit predominantemente italiane, italo-americane e americane con interessi in italia.

Visita il sito IACCW

About the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce West

Established in 1987, the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce West (IACCW) is an independent, private, not-for-profit US corporation devoted to fostering business and trade opportunities between Italy and the United States. The IACCW is part of a large network of 81 Chambers operating in 55 countries, gathering over 25.000 members. The IACCW leverages local resources combined with a global network to provide businesses with strategic and effective services in support of their internationalization and expansion efforts.

Visit the IACCW Website 

Los Angeles Book Club Italiano

Siamo lieti di annunciare che ritorna a Los Angeles il Book Club italiano, dedicato alla lettura e alla discussione di libri di autori italiani, in italiano, per chiunque abbia una buona padronanza della lingua.

La prima riunione sara’ il prossimo

presso la sede dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura
1023 Hilgard Ave, CA 90024

Discuteremo il libro
votato primo tra i finalisti del Premio Strega 2015 dalla giuria distaccata di Los Angeles il giugno scorso.

Questo il link dove scaricarlo

L’organizzazione del book club e’ affidata a Alessandro Grippo, Eleonora Granata e Daniela Roveda.

Vi preghiamo di confermare la vostra partecipazione, o fare richiesta di ulteriori informazioni, esclusivamente a questo indirizzo mail: [email protected]

La nostra mailing list e’ incompleta, ma spargete la voce, tutti gli interessati sono benvenuti.

Italian Resource Center at UCLA – New Online Catalog!

Dear Italian Language Educators,

I am happy to inform you that the Italian Resource Center at UCLA has a new online catalog system. This new system represents a significant upgrade and it will allow you to navigate and browse the material more clearly and efficiently. The Resource Center provides a wide selection of textbooks, workbooks, readers, grammar books, dictionaries, games, music CDs, as well as Italian films.

You must be registered with the Center to check out materials or to place a hold on them. If you are not yet registered, please e-mail a completed Library Membership Form to Stephanie Camano, this year’s Library Assistant. Registration is free and items are shipped free of charge to eligible members. Eligible members are educators, teachers and graduate students of Italian residing in California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. Shipping charges apply to Educators residing in other states.

If you wish to visit the Center in person to check out materials please email Stephanie Camano before visiting the Center located on the UCLA campus at 1305 Rolfe Hall to confirm the business hours. If those times don’t work for you, she will gladly set up an appointment at a mutually convenient time.

Alternatively, you may search the online catalog and request the materials you would like shipped to you.


The Resource Center for the Teaching of Italian at UCLA is funded by the government of Italy through the Consulate General of Italy and in collaboration with Fondazione Italia, a California non-profit organization, and the UCLA Department of Italian and the UCLA Center for World Languages.  

Un punto di referimento per gli Italiani residenti all’estero