All Italian Citizenship Applicants Now Required to Pass Language Exam – Find out more!

Fondazione Italia logoDue to a recent amendment in Italian law anyone who applies for Italian citizenship must prove an adequate knowledge of the Italian language. This means that applicants must obtain at least an Italian B1 certification in language competency.

What does the B1 Italian level of proficiency mean?

Applicants at a B1 level should be able to speak and write easily on everyday topics in which they can describe experiences and events, express their opinions, make comparisons and give suggestions. Applicants should also be able to read and understand the general meaning and main information of linear texts about general topics.

What grammar does the B1 level include?

Definite and Indefinite Articles, Qualifying Adjective, Personal Pronouns, Relative Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns, Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns, Interrogative Adjectives and Pronouns, Indefinite Adjectives and Pronouns, Combined Prepositions.

The following tenses of Regular, Reflexive, Modal and Irregular Verbs:
Present Indicative
Passato Prossimo Indicative
Imperfetto Indicative
Present Infinitive
Present Conditional

How do I get certified for language competency in Los Angeles?

The only government approved certification exam offered in Los Angeles is the CILS  (Certiication of Italian as a Foreign Language) that is administered by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura twice a year. The next exam session will be on Tuesday, December 3, 2019. There is a fee associated with the exam.

What can I expect from the exam?

The University of Siena has created the CILS B1 Citizenship exam specifically for people seeking Italian citizenship. Please note that this exam is different from the standard CILS B1. The B1 Citizenship exam includes four parts and fewer tasks than the standard B1 exam: listening (2 tasks), reading and use of language (2 tasks), writing (1 task), speaking (1 task). Unlike the standard B1 exam, the CILS B1 Citizenship has to be passed in full which means if candidates fail one part of the exam, it is not possible to repeat only that part but they have to do the whole exam again

How do I prepare for the exam?

Fondazione Italia has recently launched two NEW online courses specifically geared to preparing students for the CILS B1 Citizenship exam.

B1 Preparation for Beginning StudentsThroughout this 30-week course, students will not only learn Italian at the required level but they will also learn specific skills that will help them pass the B1 Citizenship exam. No previous knowledge of Italian is necessary to attend this course but students must be committed to studying at home and completed all assignments. Participants are preparing to take the CILS B1 exam offered in May 2020.

Class Dates:
Sept. 11, 18, 25 / Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 / Nov. 6, 13, 20 / Dec. 4, 11, 18 / Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29 / Feb. 5 , 12, 19, 26 / Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25 /April 1, 15, 22, 29 (no class Dec. 26, Nov. 27, Jan. 2 & Apr. 8)

Time: Wednesdays 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm PST B1 Preparation for Intermediate StudentsThis 10-week course addresses the specific needs of those students who are planning to take the B1 exam on December 3, 2019. This course focuses on teaching the necessary skills to pass the B1 Citizenship exam. Previous knowledge of Italian at an intermediate level (3 years of study) is recommended to attend this course. Please, contact us to request an assessment test before enrolling.

Class Dates: Sept. 18, 25 / Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 / Nov 6, 13, 20Time: Wednesdays 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm PST

Pricing & Registration Information

Il Consolato Informa

Informiamo gli utenti del nostro sistema Prenota Online che il 40% delle persone che vengono ogni giorno in consolato riescono a prendere l’appuntamento collegandosi alle 3 pm; quindi se tutte le date sembrano chiuse non disperate e riprovate alle tre del pomeriggio.

Raccomandiamo inoltre a tutti gli utenti di ricordarsi di cancellare l’appuntamento passaporto nel caso i vostri programmi cambino; in questo modo aiuterete gli altri concittadini residenti nella nostra giurisdizione.

Infine un aggiornamento: dopo aver aggiunto nuovi slots appuntamenti passaporti il 19 marzo, siamo lieti di informare i cittadini italiani residenti nella nostra circoscrizione che il numero di passaporti emessi al giorno continua a crescere! 

We’d like to inform all of our Prenota Online Booking system users that 40% of our daily applicants have scheduled their appointment by logging in at 3 pm; so if there are no available dates do not lose hope and try again at three in the afternoon.

Also, we ask for your help and recommend that you remember to cancel your appointment if your plans change; this will help your fellow Italian citizens residing in our jurisdiction. 

Finally, an update: after adding more appointment slots to the Passport Prenota Online System on March 19th, we are happy to announce that the number of issued passports keeps on growing!

See the info on their site

Italian CSET Language Subtest III exam scheduled for May 4 at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA

Test Date: Saturday, May 4, 2019 at 9:30 am
Location: Pepperdine University-Int’l Studies Bldg.-Pendleton Learning center, room #157
Regular Fee: $110

To complete the Italian CSET, which serves to establish core competency in Italian for a single-subject credential in California, candidates must register for, and pass TWO separate sub tests: the cultural sub test I & II (General Linguistics, Literature, History, Geography and Culture), and the language sub test III (Oral and written competency).

Fondazione Italia is an Italian Assessor Agency that has been approved to administer ONLY the language sub test III (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) of the Italian CSET, and report those results back to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC).

It is the candidates’ responsibility to make sure they have registered for and completed the cultural sub test I & II through the CCTC website. The cultural sub test portion of the Italian CSET administered by the CCTC during the following 4-week testing windows from Apr. 15–May 12, 2019. To schedule an appointment with the CCTC for the cultural sub-test click here.

For more information and to register visit

Un punto di referimento per gli Italiani residenti all’estero