Category Archives: Notizie

Fondazione Italia’s Spring Session is Open for Enrollment!


Fondazione Italia offers Italian Language Courses for Kids & Adults of all ages. Our spring session starts in April and is now open for enrollment. We have language centers in Burbank, Hermosa Beach, Orange County – Lake Forest, and West LA.

For schedule and pricing information please visit (schedule and course offerings vary per location.)

Italy’s Holocaust Remembrance Day 2015

From the Consulate General of Italy – Los Angeles—


Between 1938 and 1945 European Nazi and Fascist regimes, and the people who supported them, annihilated millions of Jews and thousands of homosexuals, handicapped, mentally ill, and gypsies they had labeled as “foreign,” “unwanted,” and “subhuman”. On January 27, 1945 the extermination camp of Auschwitz was liberated. This date was chosen in 2000 to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust and to promote the fight against racism. Today we remember…


January 27, 2015 at 5:00 p.m.


1023 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Limited places RSVP by Jan. 23 to [email protected]

Apertura bando assegnazione alloggi edilizia residenziale pubblica

Città di Cuneo.

Cuneo, 27 ottobre 2014

Alle Rappresentanze Diplomatiche o Consolari all’Estero
Loro Sedi

Oggetto: Bando di concorso per la formazione della graduatoria generale per l’assegnazione di alloggi di edilizia sociale.

Ai sensi di quanto stabilito all’ art. 5, comma 9, lettera a0 della L.R. N. 3/210 e del Decreto del Presidente Regione Piemonte 4.10.2011 n. 9/r., si trasmette copia del bando in oggetto con invito ad assicurare l’informazione ai cittadini italiani emigrati in codesto stato.

Distinti saluti.

Il Funzionario
Dott.ssa Rosalba Bramardi.

Scarica il bando di concorso

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