È finita la più importante competizione del mondo di robotica per studenti, Zero Robotics. Ai primi due posti ci sono due team di scuole italiane.
Leggi l’articolo su agi.it
Leggi l’articolo su agi.it
Il Comune di Crevacuore (Provincia di Biella) ha diramato un bando di concorso per la formazione della graduatoria generale per l’assegnazione degli alloggi di Edilizia Sociale. Il bando e’ riservato a quanti risiedano o prestino attivita’ lavorativa da almeno 5 anni nei comuni dell’ambito territoriale definito nel bando stesso che e’ visionabile presso il Consolato Generale.
LOS ANGELES — A section of San Pedro was dubbed Historic Little Italy on Wednesday, June 27, by the Los Angeles City Council.
Councilman Joe Buscaino, who is of Italian descent and represents the San Pedro area, introduced the motion calling for the designation, which will include the installation of street signs at key intersections.
The motion says that the history of Italian immigrants in Los Angeles dates back to the 1800s, with high concentrations located initially in what is now the Arts District and Civic Center.
By the late 1800s, the motion says the Italian population had grown to around 2,000, with many of the immigrants settling around El Pueblo, and by the 1900s, the Italian community would expand into present-day Chinatown, Lincoln Heights, Elysian Park and San Pedro.
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