Category Archives: Iniziative

Rapporto del Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all’estero

Il 30 Gennaio sorso si é svolto presso la Farnesia a Roma l’incontro del Segretario Generale del CGIE con vari dirigenti del Ministero degli Esteri. Dai vari temi discussi é emerso un quadro degli argomenti da affrontare nell’immediato futuro.

In particolare, ma non solo, la messa in sicurezza del voto degli italiani all’estero e la legge sull’editoria, in modo da poter dare un contributo unitario degli Stati Uniti alle materie in discussione.

Scarica qui il rapporto
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An interactive online/virtual course for high school students


January 21 to May 6, 2017
(15 Saturdays – no class on April 15th)
2:00 – 4:00 pm

Course Fee:



Would you like to take the AP® Italian Language and Culture exam in May 2017, but your school doesn’t offer the course? Are you looking for a way to get more practice and exposure to the AP® Italian exam? Then this interactive online course is for you!

What you will learn:

  • Familiarity with the six themes and sub-themes recommended by the College Board
  • Strategies for interpreting written and audio texts in Italian, even if you don’t understand every word
  • Strategies for starting, continuing and ending a conversation in Italian
  • The formal conventions of letter/e-mail writing
  • How to make cultural comparisons between the U.S. and Italy and how to make an effective and concise oral presentation
  • How to write a well-argued and organized persuasive essay


  • Must be heritage speaker or have at least 3 years of high school Italian or equivalent, i.e. intermediate-level proficiency.
  • Students are expected to be tech savvy and to have a reliable internet access.

Course Syllabus

Important Information
(please review before enrolling in the course)

If you have any questions, please e-mail us.

Maximum enrollment is 12 students
Enroll early to secure your spot in the course!

*AP® is a registered trademark of The College Board which does not endorse this course.

FONDAZIONE ITALIA is a California 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1998 for the purpose of promoting the teaching and learning of the Italian language and culture across Southern California.

Libro condoglianze per vittime sisma in centro Italia

Il grave sisma che il 23 agosto scorso ha colpito con particolare violenza le popolazioni dell’Italia Centrale ha lasciato una dolorosa scia di lutto e danni.

A causa di tali dolorosi avvenimenti, un libro di condonglianze verra’ aperto presso la sede di questo Consolato Generale (1900 Avenue of the Stars, # 1250) alla firma ed ai commenti di tutti coloro che vorranno lasciare un segno di vicinanza e solidarieta per le vittime.

Il libro sara’ reso disponibile al pubblico,  lunedi 29 agosto,  dalle 13:30 alle 15:30 e, martedi’ 30 agosto , dalle 10:00 alle 12:00.